Hot, damn hot
Our take off from Paris was delayed about 40 minutes and then our landing was delayed another 1/2 hour or so due to congestion. Fortunately for us this wasn't an issue as we still arrived at our hotel around 8:30am and the room wasn't ready - as expected. Back to the flight though and with the late take off, dinner wasn't served until around midnight, so by the time we tried to sleep, the flight only had about three hours left. We each managed to sleep only an hour or two, not really what we were hoping for. Tired or not we had a new city to see, so we went straight to the nearby Mall of the Emirates for breakfast, then wandered the shops for a while. The Mall of the Emirates is really big and includes 'Ski Dubai', an indoor ski slope and snow playground. We didn't want to spend anytime in there, though it did look fun. We decided to venture outside but couldn't do our usual walking around. This was for two reasons, firstly Dubai is very spread out ...