End of Tour

Monday 17th June Today was a reserve day, in case there was a big group and some needed to do their Gorilla Experience today. We were not looking forward to another wasted day at the resort and fortunately Nomad had an optional tour to Rwanda. We were a little concerned as it did mean two border crossings, but it seemed like a good idea. Arriving at the border crossing into Rwanda we were told that Aussies didn't need a visa, saving $50USD, so that was awesome and a nice little win for us. Rwanda is quite different to Uganda in that the roads are super smooth, there is very good street lighting and the speed limit is 60 for almost all of the country - and there are many speed cameras. There are pushbikes absolutely everwhere, even on the country roads far from the city. Motorbike riders all wear helmets and there were never more than 2 to a bike. The traffic lights have timers on them, showing how long until they change. Another difference was that they drive on the opposite si...